While at Art Center, I took a number of classes that helped prepare me to be able to communicate ideas visually; I may have gotten the name wrong in the title above, but the images I have included below are those I created as part of a class whose focus was to teach how to show objects in an environment; including the environment itself.

This image of a country church was used by way the need to complete an assignment for the class using some of the watercolor materials, including Liquid Frisket as a means of keeping some areas of the painting white (the color of the paper) to indicate light. I also used watercolor sponges
to achieve texturing effects. The focus of the class was seeking to gain as many tools as possible in the time provided in order to create the images.
I enjoyed this class, because it enabled me to a degree to go back to my roots, so to speak, where in High School, I completed a number of watercolor pictures. Another aspect of the class I enjoyed was for a portion of the class, we did drawings and watercolors ‘In Situ’ – which means, ‘at the site’. One of those paintings (below) is of a lamp above a doorway. A copy of this print can be purchased from here.

(It is said, “No Man is an Island” – that maxim is true. We are all influenced by others in a number of ways. As an experiment and from time to time and in various places in this Blog, I will have links to Amazon for products that have either helped me or that I find interesting or may be helpful to you. Obviously, you are under no obligation to buy anything, but if you do so from clicking on any of my affiliate links, I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. When you do this, it allows me to free up time so that I can deliver more content to you on this blog. I appreciate any support you may give through purchasing through these links.)